■ カレッタ・カイエガ・ロエロ・アルネイス
Carreta Cayega Roero Arneis
(Arneis) Made in Piedmont, Italy
A wine with a rich aroma reminiscent of pears and white peaches, with a complex flavor.
■ チェッキ・ヴェルナッチャ・ディ・サンジミニャーノ
Cecchi Vernaccia di San Gimignano
(Vernaccia) Made in Tuscany, Italy
A dry wine with a delicate aroma reminiscent of white flowers and a clean taste with a tight acidity.
■ ドマーニ・ヴェネティ・ソアーヴェ・クラシッコ
Domini Veneti Soave Classico
(Chardonnay, other 2 kinds) Made in Veneto, Italy
A dry wine with a delicate aroma reminiscent of white peaches and a fresh mouthfeel.
■ カレラ・シャルドネ・ジェンセン・セレクション
Calera Chardonnay Jensen Selection
(Chardonnay 100%) Made in Napa, the U.S.
Carrera which is well known as the Romanée Conti of California. Dry wine with sweet fruit aroma, and dignified acidity.
■ オーボン・クリマ・シャルドネ・ツバキラベル
Au Bon Climat Santa Barbara Country Chardonnay Tsubaki
(Chardonnay 100%) Made in Napa, the U.S.
A wine with a rich, round mouthfeel and a tight acidity by a winery that looks up to Henri Jayer.
■ ルイ・ラトゥール・シャブリ・シャンフルール
Louis Lautour Chablis Chanfleure
(Chardonnay 100%) Made in Burgundy,France
A cut above Chablis by Louis Latour with rich minerality and moderate acidity aroma.
■ レゼルヴ・ムートン・カデ・グラーブ・ブラン
Reserve Mouton Cadet Graves Blanc
(Sémillon 50%, Sauvignon blanc 50%) Made in Bordeaux, France
This Dry wine by Rothschild & Co is high-quality, good value for money French Grave wines.
■ シャトー・モンペラ・ブラン
Ch. Mont Pérat Blanc
(Sauvignon blanc 80%, Sémillon 20%) Made in Bordeaux, France
A dry wine with a fresh, good aroma reminiscent of citrus fruits and a generous volume of full fruitiness.
■ ミュスカデ・セーブル・メーヌ・シュールリー
Mouton Cadet Réserve Graves Blanc
(Muscadet 100%) Made in Loire, France
This producer was named Wine of the Year by a French magazine. Dry wine with fresh and minerality.
■ ヴィニウス・リザーヴ・シャルドネ
Vinus Reserve Chardonnay
(Chardonnay 100%) Made in Lanquedoc, France