This course is recommended for anniversary celebrations, special celebrations, and birthdays.
¥7,700- per person
前菜 / Appetizer
冷前菜 / Cold appetizer
本日のポタージュ / Today's potage
バケット / Baguette
本日のパスタ / Today's pasta
本日の魚料理 / Today's fish dish
低温調理した岡山県産備前和牛リブロースの炭焼きロースト / Charcoal Grilled Rib Roast of Bizen Wagyu Beef from Okayama cooked at low temperature
デザート / Dessert
珈琲 or 紅茶 / Coffee or tea
Course prices are shown per person.
All-you-can-drink can be added to each course only when there are more than 3 people.
1h / ¥1,500- 1.5h/ ¥2,000-