This course is recommended for a variety of occasions and is filled with all of our specialty dishes.
¥3,000- per person *3 people or more
丸ごとブロッコリーのガーリックオイルがけ / Whole Broccoli with Garlic Oil
マルゲリータ、4種のチーズピザ、ベーコンとモッツァレラのピザから1種をお選び下さい。/ Choose one from Margherita, Four Cheese Pizza, or Bacon and Mozzarella Pizza.
本日のパスタ / Today's pasta
骨付き長州鶏のパリパリチキン / Crispy bone-in Choshu Chicken
デザート2種盛り / Assorted two desserts
Course prices are shown per person.
All-you-can-drink can be added to each course only when there are more than 3 people.
1h / ¥1,500- 1.5h/ ¥2,000-